My Mountain Man
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Family Pool Time
Work it girl
Fertile Family
Boys are so easy!!
The HEAT is ON...
The kids keep wanting to go out and play and then they only last about 10 minutes. Their new thing is to ask to play with the water hose. Sure, why not. So, they are outside in their play clothes squirting each other...looking like a bunch of redneck kids. They love it and they're happy so I guess I love it too. We do have a few friends with pools that we mooch off of now and then. One day we will have our own...one day...can't wait.
Spring Break at Busch Gardens
The Ol' Family Garage Sale...
We have only done a couple of garage sales before because we just don't keep things we don't use or don't have room for. This only makes Rick more determined to find things. He drug in the ladder this morning and got up in the attic (garage sale is tomorrow). Melina and I watched as he threw numerous things down from the attic. The kids were thrilled when they spotted some of their old toys...however things heated up as Rick was trying to put everything in "the pile". I had to fight hard to keep a little buggy for Savannah (helpless 5 month old) that was once Neil's. I won that one, barely. I did, however, lose the fight over the little table Neil was wanting but Rick was determined to sell...Ill keep working on him.
I love my husband's determination but man is this guy serious about his garage sale! And by the way, the money we make is not for some fun vacation or family toy...it is going straight to paying off debt. We are now on the Dave Ramsey "Total Money Makeover Plan" and we are determined to be debt free. Only then am I allowed to get a bigger house...which our growing family could really use. But this is a good thing. We are working hard and I know it will pay off soon...until then we will all hide our favorite things from Rick.
Too good to be true!!
The kids adore her. I always say she is the most kissed baby in the world. We actually had to make a rule that the kids can only kiss her "2 times and then back off for a minute"...I'm not kidding, the kid was constantly getting smothered, but did she complain?? Never! She loves those overbearing, space invading, kisssing too much siblings. She just smiles so big every time one of them walks by. I'm especially amazed as how much she loves her 3 year old brother. You have to watch him like a hawk! He will give lots of hugs (although most would think he is slowly squeezing the life out of her). Again, she never complains. We are so happy to have this precious little girl!!
Our Little Dancer
Auburn just had her jazz recital recently. She really is becoming a good dancer (I'll take credit for that). At first I was really surprised that she liked performing in front of people because she has always been so shy, but she loves it. And actually, she is not nearly as shy as she used to be. She also loves playing sports and is a really good athlete (okay...actually she got that from me and not the dancing).
Auburn or Aubo, as we like to call her sometimes, is my 'right hand man'. Whether she likes it or not she helps me out all the time...and I love her dearly for it. I'm sure she gets sick of it sometimes, like the year she told me on a Monday (after I had asked her to do something for me), "Uh...Mother's Day was yesterday". Nice...that was a few years ago and my family still laughs about the day Auburn stood her ground. The teenage years are going to be so much fun.
The Lady behind it all...
Mother of 7 kids...impressive huh? We all love her to death. She is such a supportive and loving mother and the grandkids adore her! Her children range from 35 down to 24 (I'm not the oldest FYI). We have a blast when we get together and unfortunately she is learning more and more about the Internet and technology so we don't have as much material to make fun of her. Actually she is the funny one in the family with the quick wit.
I posted this pic of her with my youngest Savannah who was born on my Mom's birthday. I was due about a week later than that and pulled some strings (we're in tight with the OB) and was induced early on her birthday. I thought that would be special for my Mom...either that or now her birthday will be overshadowed by Savannah's...either way, I thought it made a good birthday present for her!
Lots and Lots of Cousins!
My mom has 7 kids and now has 12 grandkids (I think that number is correct)...and 2 more on the way. What's so great is that they are all so close in age, ranging from 11 down to a few months old. And we aren't done yet either!!
All the cousins LOVE getting together and it's so cute seeing how excited they get when they know they are going to see each other (we are divided between 3 cities in the Georgia/Florida region). They all play so well together and all my kids have cousins their age so that helps a lot with the playing situation. I love being from a big family and I'm glad that I now have a fairly big family...we won't be going for 7 but we will probably go for one more.
...okay, now that I really look at this picture...those kids are looking a little rough!...and the babies either have their mouths wide open or look like they just got snatched away from their mommies. And how about Leah (far left)...what's that on her forearm?? I think she jumped in the picture at the last minute...only those holding a baby were invited!