
Our Little Dancer

Auburn just had her jazz recital recently. She really is becoming a good dancer (I'll take credit for that). At first I was really surprised that she liked performing in front of people because she has always been so shy, but she loves it. And actually, she is not nearly as shy as she used to be. She also loves playing sports and is a really good athlete (okay...actually she got that from me and not the dancing).

Auburn or Aubo, as we like to call her sometimes, is my 'right hand man'. Whether she likes it or not she helps me out all the time...and I love her dearly for it. I'm sure she gets sick of it sometimes, like the year she told me on a Monday (after I had asked her to do something for me), "Uh...Mother's Day was yesterday". Nice...that was a few years ago and my family still laughs about the day Auburn stood her ground. The teenage years are going to be so much fun.

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