
Sunday Stations

Sundays are a little crazy for us. Rick is in church meetings all morning so it's just me and the kiddos until we go to church at one o'clock. I've been determined to get to church on time every week and we have been doing quite well if I say so myself....you'd think 4-5 hours would be plenty of time to get myself and 4 kids ready however, we manage to still be rushing out the door so we can get to church a few minutes early.

Now, the biggest headache for me is trying to keep Sunday a special day and help the kids to focus a little more on the gospel this day. Growing up my Dad was very strict about Sundays...we could hardly do anything (right guys??)....sorry Dad but it's true. I didn't want to be too crazy about it but I do want them to know that Sundays are special. Anyway, we had a Family Home Evening lesson on "Sunday Stations", I think Auburn was reading the lesson from an article in the Friend (church magazine). It was a story about a family that had Sunday Stations. The Mom would set up different stations for the kids like writing in your journal, reading an uplifting story, writing letters to family members, etc. Each station would last 10 minutes or 15 minutes and then all the kids switch to the next station. Well, my kids thought this was a brilliant idea and we started doing it. They loved it the first few weeks. We still do it but they aren't quite so enthusiastic....too bad, they have to do it anyway. I even let my girls set up their own blogs to be their journals, they were very excited about that. Sundays are a little easier now in the mornings and I feel better that they are doing some constructive churchy stuff on Sundays.


Wendi said...

Those are some great ideas. I need to follow your good example in encouraging my kids to make Sunday different and special. :)

Kim said...

very cool, Lori! I remember reading that article-- it is a great idea. Glad to know someone who was used it successfully:)