
Our Little Gymnast

Melina (7 years old) begged for about a year for us to let her take gymnastics. We kept putting her off until we finally decided to sign her up. She is so naturally flexible and is actually really good. She was more excited about that than getting glasses (whole other story....I wrote a blog entry about that in 2008 titled "way to go mom"). Anyway, she started classes and she loved it and after 2 months they wanted her to start taking the competitive class...which we really debated about doing but in the end decided to give it a trial run over the summer. Well, we quickly found out, as did Melina, that this class wasn't for sissies. The owners of the gym are Russian (Sasha and Olga) and they are all business there. They have her doing all kinds of strength training (push ups, sit ups, pull ups, ab work, hand stands...timed, etc.). I'm a little jealous they aren't my personal trainers. My mom went to watch Melina one day while she was in town and sent me a text from the gym asking about the 'Russian concentration camp' we were sending our daughter to. In a way I'm concerned about how hard they push her but at the same time she could use the discipline and she loves it...even though she comes home sweaty and worn out. She does complain a little about how hard it is but always follows that with "...but I love it".

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