
"Muffins with Mom Day" at Preschool!!

Neil was sure excited about our "muffins with mom" day at his preschool...well, he was excited until Jake & Brodie invited him over to swim after preschool and then he could care less about me or the muffins. He couldn't wait to get out of that place. Jake & Brodie are his favorite friends/boys/humans in the whole wide world!! He never gets enough of these 2 brothers that have him over to play all the time. Their grandma (bless her soul) watches them during the day and loves to invite Neil over. It gives him some good boy time since he is surrounded by all these girls around here...and it sure gives me some much needed 'alone with the baby who still sleeps all the time' time.
Neil said the cutest thing the other day...random, but cute:
Neil- "Mommy...if me and you die, Daddy would be in charge right???"
Me- "Uh...yes, that sounds about right."
I'm glad we cleared that up.


LindaO said...

Have i told you that I love that you finally have a blog!?!?! I feel like I can actually keep up on your life these days!

Deanna said...

Hee hee... I love that Neil knows that he is in charge. :) Jacoby knows he is the master of the house.